I just cannot understand as to why the the school management is destroying the school by underpaying the good teachers that they have-----or have had.
Do they realize that they have lost so many good teachers for this reason ??? Do they know that they can lose another big lot of disgrunted teachers if their salaries are not improved.
I think that it is time that the management looks beyond old fashioned ideas and the boundaries of the Ashram walls and do a reality check.
Today there is a huge global demand for good teachers. And every parent of our school knows on how much they can earn by giving tutions.
Why should the teachers pay for the ideas of someone who has deceided on what is good for them.
And can the management really have control over the performance of people who are always mulling over their options.
I think this is something that we should think seriously about. What are the statistics? Are good teachers leaving? In large enough numbers? Most of us have been very supportive of the arrears payments, so I think that we will be similarly supportive of the management if they wish to take concrete steps in these directions.
Please write in! And make sure that more concerned people read this!
1 comment:
I THINK there is some unrest may be among a few teachers. one EVS teacher of standard 3 is also leaving and she is one of the best teachers. i spoke to few teachers and got to know that "groupism" is going on and may reflect upon students also. i think we should take up the issue seriously with teachers and management for the sake of retaining talent at any cost and for the sake of MIS reputation, after all teachers quality too matters a lot.
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