Class X:
Of the 178 students who appeared, 1 got a compartment, 2 obtained a 2nd division, while the remaining 175 passed in the 1st division. The leaders were Oishika Chakraborty (97.2%), Ritika Sinha (96.6%) and Sreetika Ray Mohapatra (96.4%). A clear gender divide here... as in the Class XII performance (see below).
The total number of distinctions was 778, with 3 students scoring perfect 100s in Mathematics.
Class XII:
Of the 164 student who appeared, 163 passed in the 1st division. Malika Garg had 96% in the Science stream, Bhoomika Arora had 91.8% in the Humanities stream, while Swati Choudhary got 95% in the Commerce stream, with 699 distinctions overall.
How does this compare to last year? Or previous years? Or to other schools? Please write in!
Sorry to say.. but MIS has this very bad habit of taking the credit of the good results given by its students..esp Class 12. I'm sure the school would be very proud to publish the names of students in "Navchetna" under the heading "They made it".. but the actual truth is that the school has done to help them make it.. i can easily assure that if one asks the students about their success (in 12th boards and JEE )..they would never put it on the faculty.. the school never helps the students.. forcing them to come to school..and then to attend the lectures by the teachers...
I as a responsible citizen feel that it is my duty to let parents know.. that all the great results that the school boasts of..is merely due to a student's self-study...i think it will be fair to say that they would've done bettr had they been in a different schools.
The one very good thing about the school is a good football ground and T.T. tables..which are worth attending school.I think that academically,the school is not worth attending in 11-12 (esp fr those appearing in competitive exams).
All the honest policy the school speaks of.. are easily forgotten in a boards practical examination Teachers can be seen passing answers in the form of chits.
These are just some of the crude facts about the the actual state of school in 11-12. I will give some more facts subsequently.
One major point that i missed.. the assembly..
A student was bunking the assembly and was caught... one of the teachers herself accepted that " the assembly is claustrophobic".
I would love it if a teacher or esp the principal comments on the above statements..I assure you that it is the truth.
I dont have a personal grudge against the school as it isnt worth my grudge.
The teachers have an advantage... they can easily walk out of the hall anytime.
I am not being rude..but just highlighting some points which i think that concerned parents should know.
I think that's a pretty good result and may put to rest some of the criticism put forth against deteriorating academic standards of MIS in comparison to other schools. Yet another caution advise which I recently got from a senior Govt. school teacher, whose ward is in standard 12, about MIS, was "please pull your child out of MIS after 10th". this was third such in the last about 6 months. I am confused.......
As far as competitive exams are concerned (engineering)... the good results of students is due to proper guidance ( NOT GIVEN BY SCHOOL) and self-study..
A student told me that the boy who got the best rank in IIT was once openly humiliated by our dear principal by asking him .." Is this what they teach you at your coaching". as he wasnt able to answer a question as he hadnt covered that topic..
Nowadays, schools are supporting coaching.. allowing some students to study themselves... WHEREAS MIS DOES THE OPPPOSITE.
Schools should be like a river flowing along a child, helping him to reach his goal... but NOT LIKE MIS WHICH IS A RIVER FLOWING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION AND STOPPING THE CHILD.
The above statements do not apply on all the teachers.. there are teachers who are quite supportive like the Comp teacher and some others,
Its the teacher's ego that comes in b/w.
Will continue posting.
Well it seems the MIS parents look upto the school as a hallowed temple of learning with teachers inspiring the students by dint of their teaching methodologies to perform well...NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH.
The CBSE class xiith topper was repeatedly,and in the harshest terms reprimanded for not attending school on a regular basis.Her parents were called up, as were parents of most of the computer section kids who aced the boards and the JEE,and handed over an ultimatum,that they would not be allowed to give the boards if their attendance wasn't above 75%.NOW,DPS rkp, as a fact, allows most of it's illustrious students to have their attendance as low as 40%.BUT,MIS is absolutely ANTI COACHING. The students have been repeatedly reprimanded for joining these classes, with the principal taking the lead in humiliating the vmc students. The student who secured a fantastic AIR 259 has been repeatedly subjected to humiliation by the PRINCIPAL, just because he couldn't answer 1 question she asked..He was asked to 'leave the school and go to his caoching' !!!Most of the VMC and FIITJEE students who cracked IITJEE this year had to fend off regular hurtful taunts from their UNQUALIFIED and rather USELESS teachers who form the faculty at MIS...
I know many of the student sof the 2009 batch, and i can say for sure that the contribution of the faculty in their fantastic boards and jee result was absolutely NIL.
MIS is more of a hindrance towards success..Students are forced to come to schools even on saturdays, and attend the so called "lectures" on important topics, most of which are a joke, to be honest
And another reality check,folks..The chemistry course is NEVER finished on time, thanks to the rather hysterical way of teaching adopted by the MIS principal.Not only that, the innocent, hard-working students are repeatedly subjugated by threats, warnings, and a rigorous anti-coaching pledge that MIS seems to have taken.It seems that MIS has not only STOPPED providing quality education, but also started working night and day to ensure that the students can't get it from any other source...MIS is certainly going DOWN..
Thought the football ground and the T.T. tables still rock!!
It has been a rather painful experience for me when i read the blog after a long hiatus. All the four comments made on this topic have been quite uncharitable. If there had been so many issues, why did the students and their parents not form a representation and sort them out with the school board in the presence of the principal? Why is there a 'schadenfreude' to wash dirty linen in public? The trouble with most parents is that they do not want to confront the problems in a matured, level headed way and without getting emotional. They love to play the blame game all the time. My sincere advice to parents and students is to please sort it out the moment you sense trouble. I am sure both the parents and school can work out a win-win situation. No school is perfect on all counts. We as parents should help our children not to get carried away by this trivial gossip. Instead, help them master finer soft skills like being more focussed, assertive, controlling anger and frustration, better learning techniques like mind maps, etc. These will definitely go a long way in shaping them as responsible, clear-headed and well-adjusted individuals in real life.
The above post by "Smart Cookie" forced me to write a comment. What do you think.. what the other "Anonymous" have written is isnt true? Just contact the topper of boards and IIT ..ull confirm it. '
Sorry to say..but the above facts are true..self-experienced and show the dark and unknown side of MIS.
This is no mere gossip.. tomorrow the principal would be taking all the glory of the students..
Why does the school never invite successful students of the previous batch to give a lecture.. the school knows that all the truth would unearth and all the claims would turn out to be fake.
Has MIS ever compared its results with any other school?
Not just academically but even in sports..y does DPS RKP outperform MIS in everything?
Just compare this years boards and IIT results. I know some results myself..
I'll share the information soon.
I sincerely wish that the school calls upon ex-students to deliver speeches.. call the board/jee topper.
Hoping that sincere parents can convince the dear principal.
Will continue posting..nd i will provide ranks.
Now to answer the questions of Smart Cookie..
Q.1.why did the students and their parents not form a representation and sort them out with the school board in the presence of the principal?
A1. Do you actually think this hasn't been tried out? The principal's big ego comes in b/w. She just cant stop insulting coaching institutes.
And parents are quite supportive..they know whats good.. so they support their children.
There is a principle of alchemy- Principle of equivalent trade.. In order to gain anything , you have to sacrifice something of equal value. School has to be sacrificed to a certain extent .
And the real world, studying in prestigious institutes like IITs, AIIMS etc..will obviously be of much more use than 100% attendance in 11-12.
P.S. All the data given in the first 4 posts is accurate and true and not mere "trivial gossip".
I happened to see the Spelling Champ on ESPN. There were two kids(Amlan Kar and Rohan Bhatia) from MIS who had made it to the quater final round, of the two Rohan Bhatia has moved on to the semi finals. My congratulations to both the kids. But I was surprised to notice that while for all other participants the school name was flashing just below their names, it was not the case for MIS students. Was it a deliberate attempt, if so why, or just a mistake.
I was surfing the net and happened to look at this blog. I stopped by to read it because my child has passed out from this school.
I wanted to know the profile of the person posting on behalf of the parent's of the school but could not find any information. It will be nice if the profile of the person is given.
I am the current parent's representative on the Management Board (i.e. for the year 2008-9). I teach at JNU and my child is in Class IV.
JNU is one of the best and most prestigious universities of India. I have great regard for their teachers.
While going through the numerous posts, I sensed that parents are very worried and anxious about their child's performance. Do you think faith in the school, principal and above all God can help make this journey through school, for both us and our children, enjoyable as well as memorable?
I have a feeling that MIS is at a crossroads. Many parents like the slightly laid-back style that the school has followed all these years, but in these days, it is not clear that being so out of sync with the rest of society is feasible.
We do need to worry about newer methods of teaching, a more engaging style of education and pedagogy, a more open interaction between parents, teachers, students, all.
And all this can be done without getting obsessive about marks, particularly at the expense of sports and extracurricular activities...
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